When a writer bares her flesh, blood and soul - Times of India
I messaged her with a friend request on 09/10/2017. Since then it has been a roller-coaster ride for me – in all ways. On 9th February I requested, in fact, begged her to write a review for my 13 yr. old blog collections, which was going to become a book. She readily agreed without saying a NO. Everything started from there. Just before the book release, my life had a shattering experience. I went to her as a child (as there was only her whom I trusted) on the verge of tears, confused, utterly disoriented, unable to take even a simple decision. She just listened and listened. The first person in my 40 yrs of life who listened to me for hours without any judgement- the first person to hug, kiss me, without being not at all inquisitive in knowing my private life, and above all a person who NEVER judged me and without pointing a finger at anyone in my life. At THAT point, she became a part of my life. I wish if she was my unborn sister.